This is a very beginner friendly event with over 50% of the participants competing in their first ever triathlon. The best part of the TriBella Triathlons are all the amazing and enthusiastic family, friends, and volunteers around the course cheering you on to the finish line!
The TriBella Triathlons features two distances for every level of athlete from beginner to seasoned veteran; a sprint (1/2m Swim, 10m Bike, 3.1m Run) and a super sprint (1/4m Swim, 8m Bike, and 2m Run). Please see course maps for a description and map of each discipline.
This event is limited to 450 competitors; please register early to take advantage of the discounted pricing as we've sold out in 2010-2017!
Sprint Individual: $85 until 3/31, $90 until 6/31, $95 until 9/20 at midnight
Sprint Relays: $120 until 3/31, $130 until 9/20 at midnight
Super Sprint Individual: $75 until 3/1, $80 until 6/31, $85 until 9/20 at midnight
Super Sprint Relays: $95 until 3/1, $105 until 9/20 at midnight
The first timers swim wave will go last in the sprint distance event and super sprint distance event. This waves will be capped at a small 50 athletes each to maintain a small and friendly 1st race experience.
Please note: athletes in this wave will not be eligible for age-group awards. When you register simply check off first timer division instead of age-group division to enter this wave. Also note that this wave is for athletes competing in their first ever triathlon or brand new to the sport.
Race Day Schedule - Saturday September 25th - Race Day!
6:15am-7:30am - Athlete check-in
7:30am - Transition Area Closes No exceptions!
7:45am - Triathlon Start First Wave goes off
Subsequent waves will start every 5min
9:00am- Post-race snacks, massage, music & expo
10:15am - Awards Ceremony
1) Denver at TriBella - Friday 9/24 - 12:00pm-6:00pm
1060 Bannock St, Denver, CO 80204
Please note: You can come to either packet pick-up and do not need to let us know which pre-race packet pick-up you're attending. If you did not sign-up for the $5 race day pick-up and can not make the pre-race packet pick-ups just send an e-mail to letting us know you'd like to pick-up race morning, bring $5 cash with you, and plan on arriving 10min earlier than normal.
Race Day Pick-Up: When you register you'll be given the option to pick-up your packet race morning for $5. Why the fee? While we don't want to charge any extra its serves more as a deterant so we don't have a 600 person line race morning. This packet pickup "convenience" fee is used to cover the cost in staffing the additional trained personnel needed to facilitate this extra special service. Adding it to online reg also allows us to know what kind of numbers to expect race morning. We love having athletes from Colorado Springs, the mountains, and Wyoming, and hate making you take a special trip on Fri/Sat. The gas alone is probably $5
REFUNDS: There are no refunds of entry fees should the event be cancelled. A reason for cancellation includes, but is not limited to; weather related emergency, a late breaking change in the state re-opening guidelines pertaining to COVID-19, or new restrictions imposed by the county health department. Should this event be cancelled we will rollover your entry to 2022.
We will permit a switch to another non-closed Without Limits Triathlon race in the same calendar year as long as we receive at Without Limits Productions at least 30 days prior to the race you enrolled in. No refunds or switches inside 30 days. Written means via e-mail. We will no longer accept switches out of races from one year to the following year.
Up to the Monday of race week, you may switch from division to division, Age Group to Elite or vise-versa...and an individual may also switch to a Relay Team. By that Wednesday, we will need your written request for any changes (e-mailed). If a change to Relay Team, we will need the completed entry forms of your Team members also by that Monday. After Monday - NO DIVISION SWITCHES!
Another person may take your race slot and you can make this change on your TriReg account. There is a $10 processing fee for athlete changes.
We reserve the right to make course changes up until race morning to improve the athlete experience or for the safety of the athletes competing.